An emergent
web-site design
Peter Jay Stein, MD, MA
"The framework of phenomenological contextualism...embraces the hermaneutical axiom that all human thought involves interpretation and that therefore our understanding of anything is always from a perspective shaped and limited by the historicity of our own organizing principles - by the fabric of preconceptions that the philosopher Gadamer called prejudice. The claim that all analytic understanding is interpretive means that there are no decontextualized absolutes and universals, no neutral or objective analysts, no immaculate perceptions, no God's-eye views of anything or anyone - and thus no empathic immersions in another's experiences. This contextualist sensibility keeps our horizons open to multiple, relationally expanded possibilities of meaning. Analytic understanding is thus seen as forming and evolving within a dialogic context" ( Stolorow, R., Psychology Today, Aug., 2013).
"...Different analysands require different modes of engagement...and different analysands benefit from different aspects of the therapeutic experience..." (Greenberg, J., in Textbook of Psychoanalysis, 2011, chapter 19, p. 275)
"..when two people have implicitly shared a present moment together, not that there is a meaning, but [they are] sharing a ride on the crest of a wave, sharing a moment in time..." (Daniel Stern, 2005 lecture).